
If you have any comments, suggestions or feature requests please add them here. Problems and errata can be reported on Bug Reports page.


486 responses to “Feedback”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    I’m using an image of the DB and was wondering if there is a way to keep it updated throughout the season that you haven’t mentioned in your documentation. Of course I could use the API to insert new entries into my copy of the DB, but I’d like to keep things like auto increment ID values in sync for interoperability purposes.

    Oh, and thanks for providing this, it is quite awesome!

  2. Admin Avatar

    Hi Jeff,

    I’ve had another request for this so will start publishing a new image after each race – check the download page for details later today.

  3. indigo dev Avatar
    indigo dev

    Thanks for delivering such a great database. I’ve built an android app round your data, of course completly free, which can be found at

  4. Jeff Avatar

    Great, thanks a lot! One more request, any chance you could include the number of laps for a particular race with the rest of the race data (ie: in the “Races” object, but outside of the “Results” object – with the other race info like “raceName” and the “Circuit” object)?

    For completed races, it would be best if it was the actual number of laps completed by the race winner as opposed to the number of scheduled laps. Actually, perhaps you’d want to include both scheduled and actually completed. I don’t have a particular use for both at this time, but others might find it useful to know if a race ran long or was red flagged and how much it was cut short by.

    Right now you have to pull the number of laps completed by the winner before you can figure out how many laps back/what percentage of a race was completed by someone who crashed out or had a failure.

    Thanks again, I can’t stress enough how awesome you are for providing all of this!

  5. Admin Avatar

    Hi Jeff,

    That sounds useful. It could go in the Race element which crops up in several responses. I’ll add this to the ToDo list for next season as I don’t like to make changes mid-season unless they’re urgent.


  6. paipa Avatar

    Hi! ResultId 12969 (Regazzoni in the 1978 Spanish GP) has statusId value 0 (not a valid key in the status table) instead of 106 (Fuel pipe). I found this to be the only dead key across the results, races, drivers, constructors, circuits and status tables. I love this database.

  7. Admin Avatar

    Thanks Paipa – now corrected.

  8. Chris Avatar

    Hi, Is there any way to expand this to other series ?
    Or any chance I could get a copy of the code to build up my own data for a different series ?

  9. Admin Avatar

    Hi Chris,

    Unfortunately, I haven’t got enough time to support other series. However, I’d be happy to share the code if you want to provide another public API. Don’t underestimate the effort required to capture and import the data though – once you start this becomes an ongoing responsibility! What series did you have in mind?


  10. Flemming B Avatar
    Flemming B


    First of all – very cool service!

    I was thinking that you might consider adding an Expires header to the reponse header.

    Since most data is historical, you could add an expires header that said the content is valid for a year. I know some data is not historical, so just dont add expires headers to those. Or have a shorter expiration.

    That would save me the trouble of implementing a cache in my JS app, since the browser already knows how to handle expires headers, and it would must likely reduce the amount of calls to your server.


  11. Admin Avatar

    Hi Flemming,

    Thanks for the suggeston. This would make sense for most data. Only the latest results and standings are variable for a short time after each race. Will give it some thought.

  12. Joao Avatar

    Do you plan to add practice results in future?

  13. Admin Avatar

    Hi Joao,

    I’ve no plan to add them at the moment. There doesn’t seem to be much demand for the qualifying data, in terms of traffic so I’m not sure it would be worth the additional effort on data import.

  14. Fred Avatar

    Hi Jeff,
    First of all a BIG thankyou for this database. It saved me a lot of hassle and allowed me to be more daring with regards to what I can do.

    Only thing that I would suggest it to have a database image of the updated records only.

    That would save bandwidth as I don’t have to download the complete image every time I want to update my local database.

    One thing I seem miss is data on the drivers for the current season. I can only extract driver data from the results. Obviously there is none so far for 2015.

  15. Guillermo Avatar

    Great job, one might find schedules free practice and Qs (Q1, Q2 and Q3) ?. Thank You

  16. Admin Avatar

    Hi Guillermo,

    Unfortunately, the API does not cover practice sessions. Qualifying results are available here:

  17. Elem Avatar

    Great work and many thanks for the time you put into this.

    2014 Brazil (round 18) Lap Times query comes up blank. (( Pitstops shows data, though. I’m just trying to get my 2014 data sorted out before the start of the new season, like I’m sure many of us F1 nerds are doing!

    Thanks again for all your work.

  18. Daniel Avatar


    Again I want to say big thanks for continuing your work here. For the past months, I worked on my follow up app of F1 Almanac, which got pulled from Google Play because of copyright infringement (lessons learned: don’t put F1 into the title).
    So I just wanted share the link to ne new app GP Companion, which would simply not have been possible without your great work man. The app is of course completely free, with no ads and no commercialization at all.


  19. Admin Avatar

    Thanks Daniel – it’s a great looking app. I’ve updated your entry in the Application Gallery.

  20. Vilkku Avatar


    This seems to be the only service of it’s kind out there, nice job. I have a suggestion/question about the way the API reports driver and constructor nationalities. Currently it’s in the form “German” etc., i.e. it describes the driver/constructor (don’t ask me what this language form is called). This form however makes it a lot harder to make use of the data, for example I would like to get the country code (e.g. “de”) for drivers and constructors but it seems all libraries I’ve found for this only accept the actual country name (e.g. “Germany”).

    Also, I think Jos Verstappens nationality is wrong, the API says it’s Belgian while he is Dutch (though born in Belgium).

    Thanks you.

  21. Admin Avatar

    Hi Vilkku,

    Thanks for errata about Verstappen – now corrected.

    The nationality field was intended for presentation purposes. However, they should be consistent so you could build a lookup table. I guess there could be an nationality attribute but strictly speaking the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes describe countries rather than nationalities – not sure how significant that is.

  22. Dzental Avatar


    I’m analyzing the possibility to integrate the db image in one of my future projects and I’m wondering if there is a possibility to get image updates as a coule of DDLs?

    Thank you for your great work!

  23. Dan Avatar


    Quick query: I can’t seem to find an endpoint that returns the number of safety cars/yellow flags etc. Does this exist, and if not is it something you’d consider adding?

    Top work on both the API and database by the way, it’s very good.


  24. Admin Avatar

    Hi Dzental,
    How about incremental backups using the mysqlbackup command? I could run this in addition to the current mysqldumps.

  25. Admin Avatar

    Hi Dan,
    The difficulty is getting hold of a reliable source of this data. Ditto tyre data. If you know of a potential source let me know.

  26. Fred Avatar

    Good day,
    I see the database has been updated with the latest results but the db image last updated still says 15/3.
    Is that a mistake or is the image not updated?

    Thanks once again for this very useful data.

  27. Admin Avatar

    Hi Fred,

    Apologies, I must automate this somehow. Now updated. BTW would you be able to use incremental backups made using the mysqlbackup command?

  28. Fred Avatar

    I should be able to yes, I use Navicat for db maintenance.

  29. Dmitry Avatar


    Thank you for this great API!

    Currently, Pitstops endpoint provides only driverId. Is it possible to also include constructorId in the response?

  30. James Murrell Avatar
    James Murrell

    hello great work as always: just spotted a silly thing on image page…

    it says
    “1950 – 2014 Formula One Database Image”

    should it be “1950 – 2015 Formula One Database Image”

    great work


  31. Admin Avatar

    Thanks James – now corrected.

  32. David Avatar

    Hi Admin,

    Great API! But I’ve one problem: I’m making an app in AngularJS and when I make a request to this api, I get this response:

    No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘’ is therefore not allowed access

    Any idea on how to fix this?

  33. James Murrell Avatar
    James Murrell
  34. David Avatar

    Thanks for the help, but already fixed it. I did this: ‘<series>/seasons?limit=100.json’ while this ‘<series>/seasons.json?limit=100’ is the correct way.

  35. james murrell Avatar
    james murrell

    hi will you be recording the penalty points?

  36. Admin Avatar

    Hi James,
    Do you mean separately to the totals? Currently there is no field in the schema for penalty points.

  37. Daryl Avatar

    Hi Admin,

    Do you capture anything relating to which driver has the black camera and who has yellow per constructor?

    From memory, black is assigned to the driver with the most points the previous season (assuming they remain with the same constructor) but I could be wrong. If you don’t, It’ll be fairly straight forward to work out pragmatically in my app


  38. Admin Avatar

    Hi Daryl,
    Sorry – I don’t know of any data feeds providing information about cameras.

  39. develobe Avatar

    Korea has f1 circuit but popularity is low. So I developed the f1 app in order to increase the interest of the Korean people.

    i have some questions before uploding my app.

    1. How much traffic can bear up?

    2. Results are updated there are more than three hours delay. Will you enter by hand?

    3. Not bad pay even the f1 api Are you recommend? I want to receive a real-time game results.

    I was able to create an app with the help of your api. Very thanks.

  40. alex Avatar

    Hi, first of all thank you for providing these amazing api. I have a question. Is there any way to get the qualifying schedule, in particular the time. For example BelgianGp, i have raceday and time (14:00) but the qualifying time is not provided. It would be very usefull add it to the race schedule.

  41. Admin Avatar

    The API scales reasonably well so your users should get a reasonable service if your app conforms to the limits specified in the Terms & Conditions. Unfortunately, I can’t promise to provide earlier data as this is a non-commercial service.

  42. Admin Avatar

    Hi Alex,
    Do you know of a reliable public source information about the qualifying session timing?

  43. Alex Avatar

    I don’t understand what do you mean. Something like the FIA website? Or something which provide some sort of API?

  44. Daryl Avatar

    Hi Alex,

    Would this help you?

    Following the guide to add it to your calendar, it ultimately creates a file link to the content. However you can just browse the link and download the .ics file and view the contents.

    The data looks accurate, I’ve compared a few to the Sky Sports F1.

    What I have done is format the content to suit my app, then just merge it into the data feed for the race schedule when needed.


  45. Alex Avatar

    Thanks a lot Daryl, it’s exactly what i was looking for. However my app is for the next F1 season but i will test it with these data until 2016 calendar comes out.
    Thanks again!

  46. Nathan Avatar

    Hi – discovered your data recently – wow – super awesome thanks for putting all the work into this.

    I’m after more detailed qualifying data – specifically data from individual quali runs rather than just the fastest lap in each stage as you currently provide. E.g. How many runs did driver x make in Q1, and how many laps were in each run. Would also be good to know the lap times and the tyre set if possible.

    I understand you don’t have this in the API, but wondering if you know where I could find this sort of thing?


  47. Nathan Avatar

    Actually don’t worry – found the lap timing on the FIA site. Would be great to get tyre set data too, but I can’t find that anywhere. Pirelli release it for the race, but that’s all.

  48. Admin Avatar

    Hi Nathan,
    I’d love to support tyre data – unfortunately I’ve never found a reliable source.

  49. James Murrell Avatar
    James Murrell

    Hello could you let us know when images will be updated? Hope all ok?

  50. Admin Avatar

    Hi James,

    The F1 database was updated on 1 November after the last race. Data import for Formula E is currently broken so I’m not sure whether to continue with that – there wasn’t much call for the data last year.


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