If you have any comments, suggestions or feature requests please add them here. Problems and errata can be reported on Bug Reports page.
486 responses to “Feedback”
I noticed that not all F1 data is updated. For example the details about constructors are updated only until Russian GP. There are no info about USA and Mexico GP.
That’s what i mean.Great job BTW with all the rest 😉
Hi Alex,
The results are available but are blocked by the default limit of 30 results per page. Try this instead:
My mistake, thanks a lot!
Hi Everyone,
Could you double-check the order of the 2007 Constructor Standings please? McLaren is appearing at the bottom.
I’m assuming that the orderby should be based on points? I haven’t noticed this elsewhere and writing the logic to order the results isn’t a problem. I just want to check my assumption before writing any code.
Daryl -
I guess 2007 was the year when mclaren was judged guilty because of spying ferrari Through an ex employee if i remember correctly. Besides paying million dollars they were banned from the standings afterwards
Ah yes of course. Just reading about it on wikipedia…
2007 was a very annoying year because I had to modify code to allow constructor points and standings to be edited separately! (previously defined algorithmically)
Are ads allowed in app using these API? App will be downloadable for free of course.Thanks!
Hi Alex,
That’s fine.
Do you have lap split times by any chance
Hi Douglas,
Sorry, unfortunately not.
Happy New Year everyone!
Do you have an idea when the F1 2016 season will be added?
Daryl -
Hi Daryl,
The provisional timetable is now available here: -
Hi Admin,
Just wondering if you have anywhere in the data, the number of Laps (scheduled laps) for each race? If not is this something that could be added for the 2016 season?
Is it possible to get practice dates and times? If not, would it be something you would consider adding the the season timetable?
Otherwise a great API 🙂
Bregnvig -
First of all, this is great API, I love the data you can pull from it. I am wondering if there is any thoughts to start recording penalties, investigations and flags? -
Just wanted to say thank you for this great API! Hope you can keep it live for years!
I’ve starting working on an ‘F1 Race Result prediction engine’. Let’s see if I can reach any accuracy on the predictions.
I’ll keep you posted for any updates.
Stergios -
Hi Stergios,
Let us know when you’ve got something working 🙂 -
Thanks you again for the amazing service you provide. I was just wondering why driver standings aren’t updated while all the rest (race results, quali results) are instead. I use the following link but seems that there is no data available. http://ergast.com/api/f1/2016/driverStandingsThanks
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the heads-up. Needed a kick. Should be ok now. -
Don’t worry, i was thinking about a server problem. I’m glad to hear it’s all ok.
Thanks again.
Wow great site, I wonder what sources u used to create the data?
Especially lap times, results and standings. I don’t assume you added all by hand?
I mean how do I know everything provided by the api is correct? -
Data before 2008 comes from Wikipedia and has not been exhaustively checked. Luckily, users of the site are very helpful in reporting errors. Data from 2008 onwards is checked manually where necessary and errors are rarer. Again, when there is an error people generally report it.
Admin thanks for your reply. I think that settles it. Are errors found also updated in wikipedia?
The errors were primarily due to problems with the importation process rather than errors in Wikipedia itself. Wikipedia tables are reasonably consistent but people add footnotes, additional mark-up etc which can cause problems. -
Admin, I found an issue.
In the Australian 2015 GP I miss Roberto Merhi and Will Stevens. Maybe they were not imported as they are separated on wikipedia?
May I ask another question why are qualifying and results two separate tables. They could have been merged into one table, right? Now I have to execute 2 queries to get a list of merged qualifying and race results. Or am I wrong? -
Admin, I really like this data set! Is it also possible to count the number of pole positions by driver? Should I take qualifying.position or results.grid for this?
e.g. for Alonso: http://ergast.com/api/f1/drivers/alonso/grid/1/racesThe “total” attribute gives the number of matches.
IIRC Manor Marussia didn’t participate in the Australian 2015 GP.There are a couple of reasons for having separate queries for qualifying and race results:
– the qualifying results are published earlier than race results, so server and client code would be more complex
– for performance reasons (server and client) it’s best to return the minimum data for each query
Chris -
Chris thanks for your explanation I now understand the separation which makes sense.
I’m a student so I still have to learn a lot.Is it correct the query http://ergast.com/api/f1/drivers/alonso/grid/1/races will return all races where Alonso started on the first position?
What if he qualified as 1st and had a penalty due to gearbox change and started as 6th?
Would that mean it will count towards a pole position? -
No problem – questions are always welcome.
“grid” is the official starting grid position rather than the qualifying position. -
Super cool API! Keep up the great work!
Something I built using this over the weekend:
Hi Doug,
That’s probably the coolest API client to date! -
Hi, great site !
2 questions:
Are there any plans to add
1) Practice (FP1, FP2, Fp3) laptime data
2) Tyre usage (initial 13 sets and per session) data
3) sector time data (for each lap) to the dataset ?I have seen practice data on fia.com but not sure where to collect tyre usage data and sector time data from..
reg koen
Hi Koen,
There hasn’t been much demand for Practice data and the data entry would be onerous. I’d be very keen to add tyre data but have never found a consistent source. Sector data would be interesting too, if there was a source. -
hi , thanks for your reply. Maybe the Pirelle website for the tyre data although they publish it as a graph only it seems ..i have asked them if it can be downloaded .. .. i will see if i can found some sources for sector data ..
reg koen
The importation tool you used/wrote to retrieve data form wikipedia is that available? e.g. on github or bitbucket? -
Hi Pjotr,
Sorry, it’s not available. It hasn’t been used for many years so probably wouldn’t function correctly now. -
No problem Chris.
Are there any plans to update Formula E data? Can’t seem to find any data since the second race.
Good question, I noticed the same. I would also appreciate Formula E data very much.
Best regards
Daniel -
James, Daniel,
Unfortunately, there was very little demand for the Formula-E data (or visible apps?) and the data was difficult to import so it hasn’t been continued after the first season. -
Hi all,
just wanted to let you know that I just published my all new version 2.0 of GP Companion, which is an android app that tries to utilize as much as possible of Chris’ mrd data in an both intuitive and appealing way. Hope you like it. And as always I have to say Kudos to Chris for givin us all this data for free.
Just a sidenote: GP Companion is also totally free does not use any kind of ads or whatsoever. You can check it out in the google play store:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.indigodev.gp_companionPS: I was just asking for Formula E data these days because it would have only cost me an additonal button to make this app feature both worlds, which I think would be pretty cool (as at its core it is programmed in a very generic way.) I hope that one day there will be more demand so that it works out for you to add this data too.
Hi Chris,
I have a data question again.
Why is Mclaren split up in e.g. McLaren Ford, McLaren BRM and just McLaren?
And why is for example McLaren Honda not in the database?It is now not possible to query the number of races/wins by McLaren.
Hi Pjotr,
The historical data identifies teams by constructor + engine manufacturer whilst the contemporary data just uses the constructor name. This reflects how the data was originally imported – and may not have been the best choice with hindsight.
will you add speed trap data?
Car, engine, driver, circuit, session, year, speedMAXCar, engine, driver, circuit, session, year, speedAVERAGE
car , engine ? where is that coming from ?
Great API, just found a little error though – Esteban Ocon has no permanentNumber. He has chosen 31
Thanks Jonathan – now added.
Great API, but do you have any plans to support the API over https?
I am finding that more and more web hosting companies are switching to only hosting pages over https and most browsers wont load external resources from ‘insecure’ http sources?
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