If you identify any API bugs or errors in the data please record them here.
Bug Reports
855 responses to “Bug Reports”
Hi Ben,
All the primary keys in the database (such as the raceId) are arbitrary numbers and subject to change. They’re also not guaranteed to be sequential, especially with the fluid schedule seen in the last two seasons. The definite reference for a race is the year and round fields.
Chris -
First of all, thank you so much for creating and maintaining this API!
I noticed that the Wikipedia link for Mark Webber leads to the disambiguation page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Webber) instead of his actual page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Webber_(racing_driver)). Is that intended?
Diana -
Hi Diana,
Thanks for the warning – now updated.
Unfortunately, Wikipedia URLs aren’t guaranteed to be stable. Another “Mark Webber” has probably become prominent in the media, so the URL now needs to be disambiguated. I should probably check all the links :-/
Chris -
As people before me said already, thank you such much for this API!
When requesting data from ‘https://ergast.com/api/f1/2021/3/results.json’, the ‘time’ value for Alonso is in a wrong format. The minutes and seconds are seperated by a dot instead of a colon. “time”:”+1.04.808″ -
Mclaren is the last team in the 2007 constructor standings, as expected.
However, they have 118 points, when they should have either 218 or 0 points.
I don’t know if those 100 points missing is a mistake due to the 100M dollar fine. -
Hi Pablo,
Thanks for the warning – now corrected.
I remember having to exclude them but I’m not sure why the points were wrong.
Chris -
Hi Chris,
I’ve noticed that Max Versatappen’s Fastest Lap for the Hungrain GP in 2021 is incorrect. In the value for time you have 192.074 which is appears to be George Russel’s Average Speed for the same race. This causes issues with de-serializastion as the format can’t be parsed incorrect.
I’m not aware if this is in other palaces also.Thank you,
Kieran -
Hey, good afternoon. Thank you so much for hosting this data! It’s been a lot of fun to work with.
I believe I’ve found a data issue. Takuma Sato does not seem to have a record in driverStandings for the 2005 Malaysian Grand Prix; even though he withdrew from this GP, I believe the standard behavior for driverStandings would be for him to still have a record for this GP, since he was classified in at least one prior GP in the season.
If I’m misunderstanding how driverStandings is intended to work, let me know and I’ll adjust on my end. Thank you again for hosting the data!
Anyone run into an issue before where Data received from server is not valid using network manager in iOS/Swift? It is odd because in this case it is only if the year value is “2013” or older, 2014 is fine… JSON data looks exactly the same when I pull up the URL in the browser for 2013 and 2014
API Call I’m using: https://ergast.com/api/f1/2014/drivers.json
Hi Kieran,
Thanks for the warning – now corrected.
Chris -
Hi Jackson,
Thanks for the bug report. The data from 2008 onwards was entered after each race, with a reasonable degree of checking. However, the data before 2008 was entered in bulk, so there may be some inconsistiences. I’ve rebuilt the standings tables for 2005 so they should be ok now. Let me know if you still have problems.
Chris -
Thanks for sharing this data! I have enjoyed being able to access it. It looks like the location for the Jeddah circuit in Saudi Arabia might be a little bit off. Here’s where google maps things the circuit is: 21.634427885678086, 39.10328976904601Thanks, Eric
Hi Chris,
I’ve found that Lewis Hamiltons 3rd pitstop for the germany GP in 2019, race 11. Is missing. I assume this is because the pitstop was over a minute? In the request for pitstops on the race you see that Hamilton’s pit stops go 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Missing 3.
Kieran -
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the warning – now updated.
Chris -
Hi Kieran,
Thanks for the warning – now corrected.
Chris -
Hi Chris,
I’m sure this is probably on your radar to update but thought I would flag it – some of the race start times for this season are incorrect (via http://ergast.com/api/f1/2022.json)
For example the races that were cancelled in 2020 that are returning for 2022 still have the old xx:10 start times – Australia, Canada, Singapore and Japan.
And Miami is due to start at 15:30 local time for some reason (currently 15:00 on the API).
Thanks again for the API!
Many thanks,
Kai -
Thanks Kai. Where are you getting your data? I have trouble finding reliable start times.
Chris -
Hey Chris,
I’ve discovered, that the Driver-Standings are sometimes not correct.
I have been trying to filter all races won by Sebastian Vettel and I get a total amount of 63 (it should be 53). After taking a closer look, I found out that even in those 63 entries, there were a lot of wrong ones and also some missing ones.As an example:
Vettel won 2008 in Monza. The Data in the DB Image however says that Lewis Hamilton won that race.
It would be great if you could have a look at it 🙂
(I am using the Database CSV Image, not the API itself)
Dominik -
Hi Dominik,
The CSV file looks OK to me. This is the relevant entry:269,31,20,5,15,1,1,”1″,1,10,53,”1:26:47.494″,5207494,53,14,”1:30.510″,”230.414″,1
– the second field is the raceId for Monza in 2008 (31)
– the third field is the driverId for Vettel (20)
– the seventh field is the finishing position (1)Cheers,
Chris -
I have just a question. The wiki’s url are in “http” for all the circuits but for Miami circuit, it’s “https”.
Are you going to change all url from “http” to “https” or it’s just a mistake ?
Hi Kestar,
They should be consistent, so I’ll change it.
Chris -
I am having trouble fetching all the seasons as a JSON file.
The fetch I use is `http://ergast.com/api/f1/seasons?limit=73.json`
This gives the data in XML only. I am trying to fetch all the seasons a JSON.Thank You for your great work!
I was looking at this call for the first race of last year: https://ergast.com/api/f1/2021/1/results
It lists Perez as position: “5”, which is correct, but grid: “0” – when, based on my understanding of the grid field, it should be 11 (no one is listed as starting in position 11)
This can be seen here: https://www.formula1.com/en/results.html/2021/races/1064/bahrain/race-result.html
As I don’t know how you ingest or input this data, I’m not sure if this is a small mistake, indicative of a wider issue or if I am just misunderstanding the results. The issue is NOT present in the qualifying call:
Chris -
Hi William,
Query strings are always the last part of a URL.
Try: https://ergast.com/api/f1/seasons.json?limit=73
Chris -
Hi Chris,
Sergio Pérez stalled on the formation lap and eventually started the race from the pit lane. In the API a grid position value of ‘0’ means the driver started from the pit lane – I should change this to “PL” sometime.
Chris -
I think the driver line-up for the 2022 season is confirmed. Would it be possible to confirm the driver ID for Zhou Guanyu and populate his basic driver info? (think he’s the only new driver on the grid)
Caspar -
Hi Caspar,
Zhou has been there a while see: https://ergast.com/api/f1/drivers/zhou
He’s also in the provisional standings: http://ergast.com/api/f1/2022/driverStandings
Chris -
Looking at the data for the current schedule and every race are from season 2021, is this normal? -
Hi Delzear,
The operation of the shortcuts is described here: https://ergast.com/mrd/faq/#shortcuts
So yes, it’s normal but perhaps not ideal.
Chris -
Hi Chris,
Hamilton had a dnf in the 2012 German Grand Prix (puncture).
But currently his race result status is +11 laps.BR
Daniel -
Hi Indigo,
Thanks – I’ve amended it to: https://ergast.com/api/f1/2012/10/results
Chris -
I have today noticed that for some reason all the drivers doesn’t have a constructor assigned to them.
https://ergast.com/api/f1/2022/driverStandings.jsonNote that this is only on for the 2022 season.
Kind regards,
Arman -
Hi Arman,
See this post: https://ergast.com/mrd/provisional-schedule-for-2022/
The relationship between drivers and and constructors is set by the data in the results table. This makes a provisional list difficult to implemement.
Chris -
I’ve noticed that the pit stop information for race 12 in the 2021 season contains no data. This is the Belguim GP which only raced two laps, so no pitstops would were taken. However, I’d assume the race schedule information would still be given.
Thank you,
Kieran -
I’ve noticed that the drivers’ permanent number is not updated
Thank you,
Hi Chris,
Thanks for keeping this up! You friggin champ!
I noticed that the website / API already holds the Bahrain results, but the SQL file hasn’t been updated yet;
— Dump completed on 2022-03-20 21:18:05Hope you can update it soon.
Thanks again!
Hi Dax,
Are you sure? The raceId for Bahrain is 1074 which I can see at the end of the results table in the SQL file.
Chris -
Hi Javigody,
Which drivers need updating? I thought permanent numbers were permanent!
Chris -
Hi Kieran,
All the tables are like this when there are no matching results to the query. It a consequence of using a single query for each API call and would probably be quite complex to avoid.
Chris -
Drivers’ permanent number:
Hi Crhis
Max Verstappen’s permanent number is now 1, not 33.
Hi Javigody,
The database uses two numbers for drivers when they appear in the results:
– a number attribute
– a PermanentNumber element
The first of these changes from year to year, the latter does not change and is permanently associated with the driver. This should probably be true of the standings too but it’s currently missing the number attribute – I’ll look into that.
Chris -
Thank you for your work on this amazing API!
I have noticed an inconsistency in the country location for the Miami International Autodrome: While every other circuit located in the U.S. says “USA”, Miami’s is listed as “United States”.
Hi again,
I noticed that in the “user guide” (http://ergast.com/docs/f1db_user_guide.txt) all the table names are in snake_case except “sprintResults” and that in the “races table” section there is an extra dot after “circuitId”.
Diana -
first of all: thanks for the API, love the work you are doing.
But I noticed some errors in the race schedule. Some session start times are not correct:
Imola – FP1, FP2, Sprint
Spielberg – FP1, FP2, Sprint
São Paulo – FP1, FP2, SprintBut maybe I missed something, if so, my bad
Thanks Diana – now corrected. You have formidable proof-reading skills!
Chris -
Thanks Luis – now corrected.
Chris -
Thanks einzigartigerName – they seem to have tweaked the times of all the races which include sprint qualifying.
Where do you get your schedule data from? I’m not sure my source is reliable.
Chris -
Hello there,
I noticed the difference when I looked at the Schedule on the official F1 Website
A couple of things I’ve noticed:
i) The ER diagram shows an “alt” field for altitude in the Circuits table, and the corresponding circuits.csv file contains this as expected. However the circuits API doesn’t return this field, which presumably is an unintended omission?
ii) The races.csv file is missing headers for the final 10 columns in the table (everything after “url”). The data for these fields is still present in the main body of the file, it’s just the header row that’s got an issue.
Jon -
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the feedback.
I’m missing the altitude for a few circuits – you’ve reminded me to find them, after which I’ll enable the alt attribute.
The CSV header issue has been fixed in the latest version of f1db_csv.zip following a complaint from another observant user!
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