Complete images of the Ergast database are published shortly after each race under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence.
The structure of the database is shown in an Entity Relationship Diagram and explained in the Database User Guide. The tables were created using: f1db_tables.sql
The database images were last updated on: 08/12/2024 17:37
MySQL Database Images
These are MySQL (8.0.32) data dumps. The ANSI version may be easier to import into other database formats. The character encoding is “utf8” in both versions.
f1db.sql.gz MySQL database dump
f1db_ansi.sql.gz “ANSI compatible” MySQL database dump
CSV Database Tables
The database can also be downloaded as a set of CSV files which can be imported into spreadsheets and other types of software:
Each CSV file contains a single database table. The text encoding is UTF-8 and the first line of each file contains the column headers. The tables are described in the User Guide.
The author disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of these database images and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data.
Attribution is optional but appreciated when addressing a technical audience. A reference to “Ergast” with a link back to this site is sufficient.