If you have any comments, suggestions or feature requests please add them here. Problems and errata can be reported on Bug Reports page.
487 responses to “Feedback”
I’m Antho, I’m a developper and I have an idea of a small project to display some stats or facts about Formula e races. I think it would be smart to begin by aggregating datas to building a database or even have an API like yours which is very complete and detailed (nice work by the way !).
I saw you began this work on Formula e races few years ago but you did not continue with recent seasons, right ?
I wondered if it would be possible to draw inspiration from your F1 project and model to build it (I think some tables would be similars) ? Or maybe contribue to yours in some way to add/construct theses datas ?For information, did you use other existant services to automatically collect some datas to your database or did you manually search and add informations in your system (that will be a lot of work…).
Thanks for your read.
Hi Antho,
It became too difficult to support Formula E because the format, scoring and reporting of the races kept changing in the early years. Each change required code changes and testing. The historical data for Formula 1 came from a variety of sources and contributors.
Chris -
Hi Admin,
Just want to give feedback, can you add Sprint race result and points to points in this API https://ergast.com/api/f1/current/drivers/max_verstappen/results.json?
Cause this not returning the same value as total points in the standings API.
When I tried some api queries, I found that in DriverStandings, Drivers have the data of their Constructor, but in ConstructorStandings, Constructors do not have the data of their Drivers.
So I was wondering, why there is a difference between the two?
Thanks in advance for your answer
and for your excellent work. -
Hi Jouvy,
The points from the Sprint Qualifying Races are reported in a separate endpoint e.g. https://ergast.com/api/f1/current/drivers/max_verstappen/sprint.json
Chris -
Hi dmartin,
It’s a long time since I designed the API so it’s difficult to remember. It was probably two things:
– trying to keep the SQL queries simple for efficiency
– trying to keep the size of the responses as small as possible
Aggregating the drivers for each constructor would slow down the API considerably and make the responses considerably larger.
Chris -
Hi Admin, can you point the /current schedules and everything to season 2023 now since testing race is coming? thanks
Hi Jouvy,
Unfortunately, I can’t change the shortcuts at this late stage without considering the repercussions e.g. empty results for some of the most common API requests.
Chris -
Hi Chris,
All constructors data in this API https://ergast.com/api/f1/2023/driverStandings.json are currently empty, can you help to check?
Hi Jouvy,
See this post in Latest News: https://ergast.com/mrd/drivers-and-constructors-for-2023/
The association between drivers and constructors is established by adding a set of race results which will happen later today. I know this is less than ideal but it makes sense in some ways because you never really know who is going to turn up and race until the Grand Prix. (remember USF1?).
Chris -
Hi Chris,
Ah, I see, got that buddy. Thanks for always listening to my questions and ideas Chris. You are such a nice developer!
Jouvy -
Great API, building a pool-app with for me and my friends. Just wanted to let you know the number of Max Verstappen is 1 and not 33 anymore 🙂
Hi Chris,
The race results provide two driver numbers – the permanent driver number (the PermanentNumber field) and the one used during the current season (the number attribute). This was the only way to accommodate all the possible variations when the permanent driver numbers were introduced.
Chris -
Very good api, nice to play around with. I was wondering whether it would be possible to add session durations to the API for various items, like practice sessions or quali. Or perhaps even a race and sprintrace (when its still going on to show that) so we can also include how long its been till a session and active session messages or whatever. For most sessions it wouldn’t be difficult to add and for races its a bit more difficult since it needs to update and post-session update on how long it took, but you can play around with some cool stuff if you know if F1 is still live.
Perhaps, in the future, update the database as the race is going to really add some live tracking features.
Great API! Amazing work.I’m wondering if the fastest laps for the weekends race will come in later or if it’s just missing for this race?
Keep it up!
/ Jocke -
Thanks for the great work
Thank you for the great work,
Can we have a year specific driver information call, which includes the numbers of wins of driver of that driver in that specified season? -
Hi Bhavya,
This is possible with the results endpoint – just add a “1” at the end e.g.
The number of wins is the value of the “total” attribute.
Chris -
I’m encountering a problem. Whenever I refresh the page that is displaying data from the server I am getting 404 error. The first time is displaying the data, but the moment the refresh button is pressed is giving 404 error.I would really appriciate if someone could help me.
The GitHub repo is down bellow. -
Time on Baku for the Sprint Quali is one hour before the data in your db 🙂
Due to the change in the sprint races format the labels are incorrect.
Keep up the great work!
Wesley -
Since the Emilia Romagna GP 2023 was called of, would it be possible to have the same rounds criteria as the F1?
R05 – United States
R06 – Emilia Romagna
R07 – MonacoThanks in advance!
Firstly thanks for this amazing F1 resource, it’s incredible.
Secondly, I wonder if it would be possible/desired by anyone to have a hexcode colour entry per team per season somewhere to query, something like from this:
It’s been really handy for some plots I’ve done to have the team colours gathered alongside the data and I wondered if others might find it useful too. -
Hi, how about using GitHub discussions and issues for the respective comments/bugs method used here? I’m not suggesting to put your code up, but use those two things as it’s hard to wander through blog comments
Hi lingfish,
I’m not familiar with GithHub discussions but I’ll look into them.
Chris -
We have recently developed an R package that makes use of the API for some functions. The package is called f1dataR and our calls will have ‘f1dataR/X.X.X’ useragent (where X.X.X is the current package version).
Thanks for all your work.
Good Day, I’m busy with a small project for myself. I want the API to be dynamic http://ergast.com/api/// . How can I capture the element values (//) via a custom form?
Kind Regards
Jaco -
Is there a reason that the pit stop times are the time through the pit lane as opposed to the stop itself? Would it be possible to also include this data? Thanks!
Hi Jaco,
I don’t have experience of client-side development.
Chris -
Hi Josh,
This is what the FIA put in their records. I don’t have any other data sources.
Chris -
Hi Chris,
Sad to see the Ergast API is going to shutdown! 🙁
I do want to thank you for all your hard work keeping everything up to date the last couple of years that I’ve used the API. For now I can still happily use it until the end of the 2024 season.
Bob (creator of the Pitbox iOS app) -
Amazing API, can’t tell how much it helped me with various silly projects I’ve been running.
However, since it’s being deprecated at the end of 2024 campaign, would you mind telling how do you obtain this data in the first place?
Keep up the amazing work man!
Hi m,
All the data is published by the FIA
Chris -
Hi Chris,
I’m so sad you are quitting the project..
You did an awesome job, we are thankfull for what you did.
Is there a particular reason about the deprecation?
With the F1 being more and more popular, does the cost of the API increased?Last note: is there any chance, we can get the API up and running by someone else who take over?
Would love to help.Thanks again,
Cyril -
Constructors standings are incorrect following the Qatar Grand Prix
Just see the deprecated notice on the home page. It says API but does this also apply the db dumps too?
Hi Admin! Im sad to read about the API deprecation since the end of next year. So I was wondering if you have some sources to get data from, so using your historical data (and database structure) I can continue building some personal site to see stats, info (and the most important, continue practicing reactJs coding). I will (hopefully) build a Python API to consume this data, but maybe I can mantain it updated if you are able to provide us the original data sources.
Thanks! -
Chris, you can find the conflicting doubles with this query:
select * from
(select res.driverid, res.raceid, count(res.raceid) as counter
from results res
group by res.driverid, res.raceid) as temp
where counter > 1Delete the doubles, not the comments 😉
Hi Neil,
The database dumps will be updated until the end of the 2024 season and will be available for a few months in 2025.
Chris -
I’m a big fan of this API and I’m saddened to hear that the API will be deprecated after the next season.
I really would like to continue collecting and analysing data, so I was wondering if you could let me know what the origin of the data is. I’m also looking at pitwall.app which seems to have the exact same dataset (which might not be a coincidence.
Hoping to hear from you, -
Sorry… should have read previous comments first, before posting. You can ignore questions.
I am curious to know why the API will be deprecated, if you’re willing to share. -
https://ergast.com/api/f1/2023/19/laps.json is missing laptimes from 4 drivers. Also some laptimes of Albon are missing. Would you be able to complete these?
Hi Luc,
Thanks for the warning – now corrected (I hope)
Chris -
Hi Martin,
It’s become difficult for one person to run (ageing codebase, increasing load and unintentional DDOS attacks from inexperienced users) and I have less time on race weekends (I’m on a boat for half of them this year)
Chris -
Thanks Chris – it is working fine now!
Yours, Luc -
Thanks for the reply and the work you put into this Chris. Do you really transcribe from the FIA PDF files or is there a more usable feel for this source data?
Hi Chris,
I’d like to say thank you for all of the work you’ve done towards providing a clean, reliable, and consistent source for Formula 1 data. The DB images especially have been incredibly useful to me for various data visualization side projects.
I noticed recently the API will be deprecated at the end of the 2024 season and as such would like to start planning for a new source for this data. I’ll most likely create a local python library to gather the data but am not sure where to begin. Are you able to share any details on how you compile and populate the database that underpins the Ergast F1 API?
Hi Marcin,
Ergast uses data published by the FIA.
Chris -
Hey Chris, I was wondering if there have been any attempts from people to carry on with Ergast or offerings of help to keep it going, etc.
As it is an immensely valuable resource and it would be a pity to see it go, I was wondering if there is a way to keep it alive for a while longer.
Thank you for all that you have done on it. It is much appreciated.
Flip -
Hi Flip,
A number of people have proposed a replacement but it’s too early to announce anything. Hopefully there will be an alternative for the 2025 season.
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